There are several initiatives focused on attendance and chronic absenteeism:
Stay in the Game! Network - Stay in the Game! connects districts and education leaders to the resources and tools that can meaningfully improve attendance
Attendance Works - As a non-profit initiative, Attendance Works collaborates with schools, districts, states, communities and organizations to ensure that everyone recognizes that chronic absence is a serious issue that can be addressed using a positive, problem-solving approach grounded in an understanding of educational inequities.
The Ohio Department of Education & Workforce and Attendance Works are offer free 90 minute sessions designed for ESCs and SSTs on core attendance strategies and addressing the rising rates of chronic absence. Each session will include 45-minutes with ESCs and SSTs together, breakout sessions tailored for ESC and SST staff, and collective sharing of best practices and learnings. Additional consultation sessions available for participants after each regional training. All ESC and SST staff are welcome including Family and Community Partner liaisons, family engagement staff, attendance support staff, social workers, attendance officers, PBIS- and SEL-focused staff, One Plan staff, leadership consultants and more. [Get more information on sessions, including registration links]