Vision Statement
OESCA will be recognized at state and national levels for educational leadership and superior member services.
Mission Statement
OESCA and its members provide leadership and services that enable school districts to increase student achievement and improve Ohio’s educational system.
Strategic Goals
GOAL #1:
Increase active membership in and support of OESCA by Ohio’s ESCs.
GOAL #2:
Establish an effective, consistently used system of accountability and technical assistance for Ohio ESCs using Ohio ESC Network Best Practice Expectations.
GOAL #3:
Actively advocate to increase the capacity of member ESCs to provide cost-effective, quality services.
GOAL #4:
Build strategic partnerships to advance OESCA’s organizational priorities and to establish recognition of OESCA’s value by state policy makers, allied organizations, and key local and regional stakeholders.
Association Beliefs
OESCA believes that high quality educational opportunities are the cornerstone of our democracy. Educational service centers provide leadership to help all students reach high standards of performance and cost-efficient regional services. Therefore, OESCA actively promotes and supports the following beliefs:
OESCA believes that public schools are highly successful and continue to overcome the challenges of socioeconomic status, geography, citizenship status, and the accompanying deprivations that affect learning.
State resources must be focused on providing support to public education. Nothing will provide a greater impact on the future of Ohio, and our nation, as developing the minds of its future citizens and leaders.
Accountability is an important aspect in school improvement. ESCs are best positioned to assist districts with efficient and economical operational and academic resources to support school accountability.
ESCs are best positioned to provide districts with technical assistance.
ESCs should be eligible to receive funding from all state education formulas and grants in order to carry out state and local education initiatives.
OESCA supports state fiscal policies that reinforce the capacity of the state government to adequately support public education.