Call For Presentations
The Ohio ESC Association (OESCA) is requesting presentation proposals from ESCs, Ohio Department of Education & Workforce staff, and affiliated organizations for the 2025 OESCA Spring Conference - Let's Connect 2025. This year's conference will focus on state education policy and funding priorities. As always, we want to showcase collaborative efforts between ESCs or with other state and local implementation partners.
Thank you to everyone who submitted a proposal for the 2025 OESCA Spring Conference. Applications are in the process of being reviewed and we will be in touch with you soon.
- Overcoming Obstacles to Learning
Presentations about addressing barriers that prevent students from engaging in learning, such as attendance, health, mental and behavioral health and high-speed internet access.
- Accelerating Learning
Presentations on opportunities to advance learning through programs addressing literacy, math and other curricular areas, like after-school and summer programming, tutoring and supporting districts in using high-quality instructional materials (HQIM).
- Preparing Students for Future Success
Presentations on helping students transition to their next stages through programs like transition to work, workforce development, career exploration, college readiness, credentialing, apprenticeships, etc.
- Executive Leadership
Presentations on executive leadership and related challenges or opportunities including general leadership, human capital, policy, fiscal, and operational issues of importance to ESCs and their client schools and school districts.
- Technology
Presentations related to assistive technology, data analysis, computer science, Artificial Intelligence (AI) or other technology-enabled solutions that improve operational productivity or academic outcomes.
Presentations should:
1) relate to one or more of the listed topics,
2) focus on an Ohio-based educator audience,
3) have practical applications,
4) demonstrate coherence and alignment to state and local priorities and problems of practice.
Presentations should NOT include a "sales pitch" or encourage participants to purchase a product or service.